This is a New Year; a time of new beginings, and for many of you, quite possibly, the year some of you may find a new relationship. So, with that in mind, let me just say that there are some of us single women, (such as myself) who desire a Godly man to build a strong, Christ centered relationship with.
My mind has recently been scrambled over how to seek out and find such Godly, Christian men. I admit, a made a quick dip into the "plenty of fish" dating pond, and a few others, only to realize, that all is not is as it appears in some of these men's profiles appearing on these sites. Hence my last three blogs about "plenty of fish." LOL!
Now, I have heard stories of how some women have found wonderful men on such sites, however, more often than not, I have also heard the most horrific stories as well of lies, deception, and other things too crazy to even mention here. I am sure that there are a few trustworthy and reliable Christian dating sites out there, but I have recently decided that perhaps the best thing for ME, is to just wait and allow God to send me a Godly man. Some people think I am crazy! "What! You expect God to just drop some man on your doorstep?" LOL!!! Well, maybe I am crazy, just saying. What I found was that I was spending precious time looking over numerous profiles, and at the end of the day, I was exhausted, depressed, and felt like I had not only wasted a good bit of my time, but also energy and money as well, persuing the elusive butterfly of happiness.
I started thinking how I could have used all that time, money and energy in much more productive ways? Then I started seeing just how desparate and needy, I was begining to feel. The final straw was when I finally realized what my focus was on; and that was my desparation to find someone (other than God) to make me feel good about myself. Whoa!!! I had to REMIND MYSELF of this fact:
"I have great worth (value) apart from my performance, because Christ gave HIS life for ME, therefore, has imparted great value to me. " Also I needed to remind myself of this:
"I am deeply loved, fully pleasing, totally forgiven, accepted, and COMPLETE in CHRIST!"
Wow!! God loves me; unconditionally loves ME! If I am never in a relationship again, ( and I truly hope that's not the case) but if it does come to that; I need to rest, secure in HIS love for me and learn to to be content. So, that, my friends, is where I am today. I am not "broken" because I don't have a man; neither am I ugly, or have low self esteem. I am a beautiful, daughter of the King, and He knows my name, HE knows my heart, and I believe that He will send me the desires of my heart, and I won't have to grovel to find a good, Christian man, as long as my heart is focused on God.
This reminds me of a recent post by Bryan Totten, in which he said: "It is many people's expectation that you will one day meet someone who will suddenly fix your every hurt, give peace to your every trouble, and fill your heart with love. I'm sorry, but you will be disappointed. Only Jesus has that power."
Amen and Amen. So many women are wounded. Our hearts have been have been hurt and broken by past relationships. We have allowed someone to strip us of our color and personalities. We are depleted. We are searching for love in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons. Once we find our true significence in Christ, and allow him to heal our wounded and broken hearts and fill us with HIS joy, then and only then, will we be ready to receive the love from someone here on earth.
So, at the beginging of this New Year, my expections are those of bettering myself; of drawing closer to God, of seeking HIS will for my life, listening to HIS voice and obedience to HIM. And if He so desires to send me a Godly, Christian man in the process, well, that would be okay too, but for right now, I am leaving the matchmaking up to Him!
As always I leave you: Sleepless in South Carolina. :)
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