Friday, December 7, 2012

Plenty Of Fish In The Sea; Part Three

Dear Readers;

I hope you have been following my three part series on "Plenty Of Fish In The Sea." If not, you can simply scroll down to view parts one and two. My initial post starting this blog, will be in the archives, listed in November.

As I mentioned in part one, as a young girl, I use to go fishing quite often with my dad, and then as an adult, I took my daughters fishing as well. I remember that there use to be a product that you would spray on the bait (whatever you were using) that would act as an enticement to attract the fish. I thought this was like some "miracle invention." LOL! As I was recently recalling this product in my mind, I started comparing it to what men and women use today in the dating world to "entice" or attract the opposite sex. This post may seem humorous, however, we all need to be very cautious and careful dating these days. I know that there are still plenty of fish in the sea; good people that are available to date; however, we also need to be on guard and take note of what type of bait they are using, (or the bait that we are using ourselves) before we get "reeled in" hook, line and sinker. Pun intended.

Men use various means (types of bait) to get a woman's attention. Probably, the most common is flattery. Yes, I admit, this is a weak area in my heart and I am sure in many women as well. We want to be complimented, we want to feel beautiful and attractive, we want to feel desirable. There is nothing wrong with our feeling this way, however, we first as women need to understand that our most highest worth and value should come from knowing how God loves, values, and sees us. We should look to HIM FIRST for our value, and realize that God loves us unconditionally, without exception, and that we matter to HIM, regardless of our dress size, our outer beauty, our personality, or anything else.

Be cautious when a man immediately uses various words of endearment, or heaps tons of compliments upon you when you do not even know each other yet. This is their enticement they are using on you, to reel you in. Maybe their motives are sincere, but a true man of integrity will take the time to get to know you, before they start calling you dearest, babe, beautiful, darling and so forth and so on. they may also be the "touchy feely" type; they cant wait to touch you, to hold your hand, or put their arm around you, or hug you. Be wary of this and how this makes you feel around them. ( you may be so needy and desperate that you forget about the red flags popping up in your mind, because you are desiring the attention) If you begin to feel uncomfortable by their actions, stand up for yourself, & set a verbal and physical boundary. If the man is sincere, he will honor your boundaries, and be willing to back off and show respect to you. Men will often times be quick bearers of gifts; jewelry, clothes, perfume, or talk about taking trips with you to somewhere grand. keep your eyes wise open, and remember, many times there is an ulterior motive behind the gift. Often, it is just a prelude to get you into bed with them. Yep, I said it! Now again, I know that not every man is like this, but believe me, there are many that are. Watch out for the "red flags" and when you see them, don't think that it is a parade or circus, and run right to it; but get away as quick as you can!
Now, for something quick and humorous  I have recently noticed. Ladies, if you go on the dating sites, just look at the men's profile names. Sometimes it is scary to think that any woman would respond to a man whose profile name is "Thumper." Get real, are we THAT stupid? And, what is the deal with one out of five profile pictures shows a Harley? Jeez, if we were in the market for a Harley, well, I think that we would be down at the local Harley Davidson dealership!

OK, now for the women: what type of bait are women using to reel a man in?
I am sure that we too, are guilty of using flattery as well. Do we drop remarks about how they are built, or the car they drive, or how good looking they are? Do we wear low cut, or much too revealing clothing, make touchy feely actions? Do we hug them, hang all over them, and want to cuddle up next to them, and then when they make an inappropriate gesture, we get flustered? Well, if we do any of the last few actions, we are asking for trouble with a capital "T." Men are men. They look, they have feelings, & emotions, and if we deliberately entice them using our bodies as "bait" then what should we expect out of them? Get real ladies! Don't be a tease and not expect to get taken advantage of. If women do that to men, then they are sending them mixed signals. It's no wonder men are confused when women are doing their little dances of enticement around them, and then get angry if they take it the wrong way. Women clean your acts up. Keep your "girls" under wraps! When a woman comes on to a man this way, she is asking for that man to view her as an object, and he will begin treating her as one, as well. Ladies, be Godly women! Don't be so desperate and needy! Don't use your bodies as bait, because if you do, you are on a slippery road that will lead to a pregnancy out of wedlock. Don't think for one moment that by getting pregnant, that you will reel a man in. The final "bait" women use as enticement is the "I want to take care of you" bait. (sometimes also used by men as well) Many women are nurturers by habit. We long to have someone to "take care of," so we may cook for them, coddle them, and mother them; these can all become types of bait, and enticement, that we use to lure them into a commitment. However, the more we do, the further they get from us, unless they are one of those men who are looking for a "mother" and a "purse," in which case run, and run fast. Women were made to raise children not grown men who are lazy and simply want an easy way out. Beware of men like these, they will use you until you are totally used up, and them drop you for the next one they can find to "mother" them.

So, if you are reading this post today, do you recognize yourself in any of the above scenarios? Please be cautious in how you approach dating in the world today. Know that although there are still real men and women in the dating scene, there are also those who have a hidden motives, behind the flattery. Keep your eyes wide ope, and look for red flags; remember when you see them; it's not a parade or circus. 

Until next time, I remain;

Sleepless in South Carolina

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