Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Single, Again......

Welcome to my first post at Sleepless in South Carolina:

Being a single woman today is not easy by no respect; add to that I am a woman in her fifties, a devout Christian, curvy, who does not want to be any body's mother (or purse) and that complicates the situation even further.

I could write a song, based on the old tune, "Where Have All the Flowers Gone?" and re title it: "Where Have All The Good Men Gone?" LOL!  Seriously, for all those single women today who are looking for just ONE good man, well, the pickings seem slim to none. Either they live a gazillion miles away, or they don't even exist.

Now just to make an instant clarification: this blog is not intended to bash men. But facts are facts. I am just calling it as I see it it. What I hope to do with this blog is to encourage my single friends that there is hope, even if we don't see or feel it right now. I want to give you a reason to smile and laugh now and then, and to realize that there are many of us out there in the same position. We are not desperate: we are choosy and have earned the right to be so. We have been hurt, wounded, manipulated and some even emotionally ( or even physically, thankfully, I was not) abused.

 But please let me reiterate for the record: ALL MEN ARE NOT LIKE THAT. That, my dear readers is my disclaimer; so if any men do happen to casually be reading this, I am giving the good ones credit where credit is due. I just don't know where there you are!

So, to set the record straight; I know what my problem has been. I  will be brutally honest with you. I have a "broken picker." I don't choose wisely. I get impatient, I get desperate, Yep. Because Of my codependency, I ignore ALL the red flags that I see, because I, in my stupidity, think I can fix them (NOT happening) or save them from "whatever," or the best one of all, drum roll please; I stupidly think that I can love them enough to change them OR they will love Me enough to change for me. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!

OK, that's probably enough for my first post. Hang with me though, there is much more to come. Please feel free to post your thoughts and comments, be good and clean, no profanity please, and no bashing. Love to all of you on this journey.

Until next time, I remain;

Sleepless In South Carolina

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